Church Organ Pedal Breakthrough!

The PDF ebook is in four parts and contains exercises and tips to help make the transition from piano to organ as painless as possible – with emphasis on getting the pedal notes involved, especially when playing hymns, and developing independence.

All the exercises are reasonably simple and easy to play – designed to get your brain used to thinking more about the feet, rather than playing the lowest note with your left hand as on the piano.

If you are struggling with the pedals, these exercises and tips are ideal. They won’t leave you exhausted and frustrated. Instead you will be encouraged by steady progress – building an excellent foundation and consolidating your progress as you go.

There are exercises for the following…

  • RH and Pedals
  • LH and Pedals
  • Independence Exercises
  • Improve pedal playing and independence at the same time!
  • Plus lots of tips – from sight reading to tips for the nervous organist!

Here is an easy example from the RH and pedals exercises:

Observe as much as you can before you play… as well as the key and time signatures!

  • Decide on the fingering
  • The pedaling
  • Observe the harmony and try to hear it before you play it!

A more difficult example below with tenor part added…

  • Decide on the fingering.
  • Observe the harmony.
  • Transpose into F = I – V – I – V7 – I

You may think that the exercise examples above are too easy. The truth is, if you are learning to play the pedals, nothing is too easy to practise. Good observation and playing the pedals as often as possible will produce the quickest results!

Avoid the trap

Students often fall into the trap of practising pieces that are too difficult. This can drain your mental energy, enthusiasm and progress.

The above exercises are among the easiest in Organ Pedal Breakthrough but the hardest exercises aren’t a lot harder – unless you apply all the tips and suggestions of course!

If you are struggling with the pedals and service playing in general – this is ideal for you!

More about how this will help…

With suggestions and tips for daily practice to improve your pedal playing and independence reading from 2 and 3 staves.

Not only will your pedal playing and independence improve, your sight reading and confidence will improve too!

There is also advice for those who find playing in church on Sunday nerve wracking!
These tips should help build confidence and improve your playing at the same time.

Plus – “Twelve Pieces” (FREE with Organ Pedal Breakthrough!) that can be used during the service as voluntaries and are great for practising the skill of reading from three staves.

12 Pieces For Reluctant Organist

Kingsfold is included in “Twelve Pieces” and will extend your repertoire – making Sunday services that bit easier!

The 12 pieces arranged on three staves include:

  1. Holy Holy Holy
  2. It Is a Thing Most Wonderful
  3. Kingsfold
  4. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent
  5. Lord Of All Hopefulness
  6. Lord Of The Dance
  7. O Sacred Head Surrounded
  8. Of The Father’s Love Begotten
  9. Sonata Theme – Mozart
  10. The King Of Love
  11. The Water Is Wide
  12. When I Survey

What others have said…..

This has encouraged me to have a go at playing the organ at my local church. I’ve been playing the piano for years and recently managed my first hymn on the organ – with pedals! John, UK

I am delighted with the material and have started on it and following the directions carefully. Steve. USA

It’s good to know that I’m not the only beginner organist who struggles with the many aspects of playing in church on Sundays. Your tips have been very helpful. David, UK

The easy exercises have given me confidence and I think my playing has improved. I can now manage the easier hymns and choruses with pedals. Pat, USA

Get “Organ Pedal Breakthrough” and “Twelve Pieces”

Organ Pedal Breakthrough – for those struggling with pedals.
Twelve Pieces On 3 Staves – great for service use!

Plus tips and advice on how to cope with the pressure of playing in public and play to your full potential.

The books are in PDF format and delivered as a download.

For support, please contact me at:

These books are available by request only.